Tuesday, August 29, 2006

So I was told in so many words that I am not thankful and don't appreciate things.

Wow I never thought I of myself that way. I look at myself as a glass is half empty kind of guy and appreciate so many things in life.

My Family - My Parents - My Birth Mom - My Career - The Fact that I wake up to start a new day - and of course My Coffee Maker

Thank God for Coffee

Monday, August 21, 2006

Let the Spiders Crawl

Okay this is pretty useless to anyone except and SEO or SEM. Just putting up a comment to see if the Engines will ever come out to crawl my Blog.

Technorati Profile

This is to let Technorati know that my blog exists - let's see if I get a boost in Page Rank - The Joss Stone Story is better though. I need to start posting some Howard Stern stuff later.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Joss Stone in the House!

So I went out Wednesday Night in Greenwich Village and went to this little hole in the wall bar - The bitter end. Joey Degraw was playing and in the audience was Joss Stone. I had to get an autograph. I gave her an Advertising.com business card and she gave me her Joss Hancock... Very nice and very hot - AND WHAT AN AMAZING ARTIST. I just wish she would have belted out a song.

It was a fun night. Hollywood in New York!

Sunday, August 06, 2006


TIVO is one of the greatest inventions in the world, I only wish that God created a TIVO for Life. The decisions that you make are for life and you only get one shot. Make the right decision.