Thursday, December 28, 2006

So here I am (AKA the Harry Potter look) at age 18. I was working at WPOC the country radio station in Baltimore. I was a promotion assistant and was backstage at one of our events. The hot older woman here is none other than Patty Loveless. This picture is a crack up.
It reminds me of a caption contest. So go ahead what's your caption?

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

So obviously it has been months since - I've added anything.

I went on a traveling expedition for work and it seems like I have been gone almost every week.

beginning November 1st I went to a wedding in Turks and Caicos and had an awesome time. The first night that I arrived I corralled every one of the guys to go to the local hang out for premarital libations. So we went to virtually the only place on the Island Bambooz. On this particular Thursday they were doing local Karaoke and yours truly performed.

I got up in front of a bunch of locals and sang Creed's "Arms Wide Open" and Enrique Iglesias - "Hero". It was a riot. A few days later the manager of where we were staying asked me if I had been on the Island since Thursday. She recognized me and told me what an awesome voice I had and everyone around her was just amazed by the Creed rendition, she also was there with the Chief Minister of the Island.

I ended up partying with the locals and hanging on a 50 foot Catamaran docked in one of the marinas.

A few weeks later I had to Fly to San Francisco for a meeting and then onto Palm Springs to speak at a conference. Left Palms Springs and went to Vegas for a few days to attend the webmasters pub con.

In Vegas I had another celebrity sighting - I sat down and played blackjack with the guy who who Rock Star SuperNova. Lucas. I didn't get a photo since we were at the table but I'm sure Carfine would have appreciated it.

To round out the places I've been since then.
Turks and Caicos
Palm Springs
Las Vegas
San Diego
San Francisco
Chicago - more to come on that :)
New York (3 times) I'm actually sitting here at the Dream Hotel at 5:30 am writing this and my Air conditioning is broken and it's 80 degrees in here. I had to open the window it was so hot(should call it Steam not Dream). I can smell Bacon or whatever is cooking-time for Room Service.

Finally went to Georgetown Delaware for Thanksgiving - more on that as well.

Ahhhh time for Breakfast and a little talk with the manager of this place - tried to call earlier but the the manager call button on the phone was broken - Imagine that.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

This is one for the archives

From: Christine Carberry (ccarberr)
Sent: Thu 10/19/2006 1:11 PM
To: David Carberry
Subject: RE: Halloween

you're right

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

So I was told in so many words that I am not thankful and don't appreciate things.

Wow I never thought I of myself that way. I look at myself as a glass is half empty kind of guy and appreciate so many things in life.

My Family - My Parents - My Birth Mom - My Career - The Fact that I wake up to start a new day - and of course My Coffee Maker

Thank God for Coffee

Monday, August 21, 2006

Let the Spiders Crawl

Okay this is pretty useless to anyone except and SEO or SEM. Just putting up a comment to see if the Engines will ever come out to crawl my Blog.

Technorati Profile

This is to let Technorati know that my blog exists - let's see if I get a boost in Page Rank - The Joss Stone Story is better though. I need to start posting some Howard Stern stuff later.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Joss Stone in the House!

So I went out Wednesday Night in Greenwich Village and went to this little hole in the wall bar - The bitter end. Joey Degraw was playing and in the audience was Joss Stone. I had to get an autograph. I gave her an business card and she gave me her Joss Hancock... Very nice and very hot - AND WHAT AN AMAZING ARTIST. I just wish she would have belted out a song.

It was a fun night. Hollywood in New York!

Sunday, August 06, 2006


TIVO is one of the greatest inventions in the world, I only wish that God created a TIVO for Life. The decisions that you make are for life and you only get one shot. Make the right decision.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

I am in the middle of reading "The Road Less Traveled". It delves into the Psychology of Relationships, Traditional Values and spiritual Growth. Written by M. Scott Peck.

There was one section that he discusses how parents generally see their children as extensions of themselves and not necessarily interested in their children's unique individuality. He also quoted from the book "The Prophet" - by Alfred A, Knopf.

Your children are not your children
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from,
and though they are with you they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thought,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bow from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrow may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for the gladness: For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.

This is so true. It is a parent that can let go, that a child will return with independence and free will. Don't doubt their trustworthiness, Don't finish their sentences, Don't assume you know what they are thinking. Give them every bit of good attention they deserve. Most importantly make your decisions based on the fact that what you do today will affect your kids tomorrow.

The more you embrace them as little people the more they will respect you as adults. Make them proud!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

So I found this link today from a radio ad I did for the G3 Group. Pretty funny - It showcases Larry Cooper from Alex Cooper Oriental Rugs and of course yours truly.

G3 Group Commercial

Memorial Day Weekend 2006 was a real tough weekend. Friday May 26th Christine and I had to say good-bye to one of the family. Petey was such a huge part of our lives and it was one of the toughest moments of my life to let him go. I wanted to write this sooner but it has been a painful time and has been tough concentrating on the good.

Petey was truly man's best friend, he was a personality, a protector and was never really a pet. I had owned basically a rundown shack in Baltimore in 1992 and the Tenant at the time (Rufus) had a pitbull that had a litter of 8 pups. His backyard(my backyard actually) looked like a scene from Sanford and Son - junk all over the place. The pack of pitbulls were only 4 weeks old but already were jockeying for position. Petey was the underdog - he was the runt of the litter.

He was frail and dirty. I recall a mid-afternoon feeding and Petey was pushed out of the way and didn't get one bit of food with the other pups feasting. I noticed the cut on his leg from metal scraps in the yard. I couldn't bare any more. I wish I had the capability to take care of all of the pups, but I didn't have the means at 22 to take on that responsibility with work and just finishing college.

I thought this little dog was awesome he had the coolest patch over his eye just like the Little Rascals dog. I gave Rufus $40 for Petey and ran to the store to get show puppy chow, dog bowls and shampoo. I put the whole bag of Puppy Chow on the floor and Petey jumped into the bag. He had had one of the biggest feasts in his short life (little did he know more were to come.)

I picked him up after dinner to give him a bath and was astonished at all of the fleas on his little body - The bathtub water looked like chocolate chip ice cream there were so many dots.

Christine and I were dating and she was worried that this pitbull would be jealous of her and clamp on her neck in the middle of the night. She came to find out that all this dog wanted to do was jump in bed and snuggle.

We had 14 wonderful years with Petey. He was the life of the party at times. I taught him to speak on command and it was the coolest growling type of talking you could ever imagine. He jumped up and gave high fives, and gave kisses. This dog was spectacular. We sent him on vacation to many of of friends houses they loved watching Pete. I used to take him to the park and run him all around. YOu would just have to say go and he would fly off leaving a cloud of dust behind and always come back. He never left our sides.

I remember when we lived in Owings Mills just after we had gotten married that kids would come by and ask Petey to come out and play. Two of the boys had on roller blades and one would hold Petey's collar while the other one took off down the street with Petey's bone. The kids were basically skitching on Pete's back. I wish I had video of that.

Petey was there for the birth of Devon and DJ and protected those kids like a parent. It was pretty tough to tell these kids that their little brother had gone to heaven. DJ is still wondering when Petey will come back. They have drawn the best pictures to cherish their memories of him.

Petey had trouble with his hind leg area for quite sometime 10-11 months but I couldn't stand letting go. During the last few weeks Petey slept with me like the old days and I loved it. It was a great comfort for me during some really hard times and I really wish here were now. I know he is much better off without the pain.

Pete - I miss you buddy. Thanks for all of the great memories, you were the best.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

I have learned... no one else can make you happy... you have to find happiness within yourself 1st. Although...friends can give you confidence and strength that you might not otherwise have.

Courtesy of Freakiestgirlfriend - Thanks Freak

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Great quote I saw today.

How we remember, what we remember, and why we remember form the most personal map of our personality.

Christina Baldwin

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Louis Rukeyser
As many of you know, Louis Rukeyser died May 2 at his home in Connecticut. We have lost a great man who was an inspiration to millions of investors — and to those of us who had the honor of working with him.

Quoted from

I was 19 when I met Louis Rukeyser in 1989. I was working room service at Harbor Court. Mr. Rukeyser had taped his Wall Street week program in Maryland and enjoyed staying at the Inner Harbor, even though the MPT's studios were in Owings Mills Maryland.

When I had first started the morning shift it was on Friday mornings that Mr. Rukeyser was an enigma to the morning staff. When he called down everyone for his Friday morning ritual every one in the room service department cringed. They all laughed and decided that the new guy should be the one to wait.

Mr. Rukeyser was a rockstar to the the financial world and rockstars want the royal treatment sometimes. He was famed for ordering Blackberries/Rasberries with cream on the side (never on top). He was very particular and the other other staff members did not afford him the respect he wanted or understand his notoriety.

Mr. Rukeyser and I had hit it off in some mysterious way. I respected him and he had asked for me to serve him when I was there on Fridays. I always recall him having a very organized room, the Wall Street Journal at arms reach and always in a bath robe. I waited on Mr. Rukeyser for eight months when I decided I wanted to get into the radio business.

I never had any real experience in radio with thye exception of an internship, so I felt I needed a good reference to find employment. I had asked Mr. Rukeyser to write one for, I figured the worst he could say is no. He said yes and wrote me a wonderful glowing reference.

Not only did he write the reference for me, but he also allowed me to video tape him for a student project I was working on. I was in a video class and had film various interviews with prominent county executives as well a segment with Mr. Rukeyser. It was a rousing success.

I recall he was a bit of a stutterer when you met him in person, but when that camera came on he was flawless, a complete perfectionist.

After I had gotten my job at B104 I called Mr. Rukeyser to thank him and he called me back and we spoke for 5 minutes. That was the last contact I had had with him.

I owe alot to Mr. Rekeyser for helping me early in my career. He was an inspiration to me personally and an honor knowing him. I became a huge fan of Wall Street Week and was disappointed that MPT discontinued the show, but I'll always remembered his raspberries with cream on the side.

God Bless - You'll be missed Mr. Rukeyser

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Another Funny Car Story

Today I was driving my, almost 4 year old, son to school and a woman driving across from me in the intersection was hesitating on whether or not to turn. I exclaimed, "Come on Dumb-ass!" My son replied, "Daddy - Don't Say Dumb."

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Everyday that passes by and goes unspent with someone you love, including yourself, is a waste of time.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Big Bird

So today I was driving to the office. I was in a bit of a hurry but I am a pretty courteous driver and was coming onto merging traffic. I had the right of way and this women puts on her blinker looking to merge. I start to slow down and notice her wanting to merge as she was a little bit ahead.

I noticed that she had her right ear on the phone and a glaring look to the left. I came to a slow pace to let her in and waved to acknowledge a you're welcome and she waved back. I guess I am niave I thought it was a nice gesture.

As we proceeded she was slowed by a truck and I got into the left lane to pass her. I was just amazed to see her still on the phone giving me the finger and not even looking at me. Looking just straight ahead. I let her in and thought I was being the nice guy and get the bird.

People are just so crappy sometimes. They amaze me

Another driving experience, I was the one trying to get in the other lane and put on my blinker to merge and the guy sped up to block me out. I looked right at him and motioned to him to ask if I could get in and he shook his head no. It's not like I was looking for a hand out - I just wanted to get in the other lane.

I ended up just moving forward eight cars ahead of him and someone else let me pass.

Life is like driving a car - you can't please everyone on the road and if you want to get ahead you have to rely on yourself and your drive.